Why include exfoliants in your daily skin care routine?

Everyone should take good care of their skin throughout their life, starting from an early age. Usually, however, we only start to notice the importance of daily skin care as we age, when the body’s regenerative functions deteriorate. Fortunately, there are many ways to support them. The range of quality cosmetics is constantly growing and you can also try numerous treatments offered by beauty clinics. Some of them, such as exfoliation, can be done by yourself. Find out why you might want to do it!

Published: 3-04-2024

What are exfoliants?

Although the word ‘exfoliation’ may sound strange to you, we are certain that you have already performed this procedure many times. Exfoliants are simply ingredients that exfoliate the epidermis, and ‘exfoliation’ is commonly referred to as peeling. Exfoliants are designed to help regenerate your skin. Over time, the skin’s individual cells die, and new tissue with fresh layers of epidermis are formed in their place. In order for this process to work properly, the dead skin fragments must be exfoliated. Otherwise, the skin will remain impure, and the absorption of active ingredients from the cosmetics will be significantly decreased (read: composition of cosmetics). The problem can affect both older people and teenagers. The secret is daily skin care.

Below, you will find information about exfoliants that you might want to know before using them.

  • Depending on their type, exfoliants can have a variety of uses. Some of them cleanse the skin, yet others additionally prevent excessive sebum secretion. Their main task, however, is always to exfoliate the epidermis.
  • Peeling products are primarily divided into mechanical scrubs and chemical peels.
  • Exfoliants can be used on your entire body, face and scalp.
  • Some scrubs can be prepared at home, using, for example, coffee grounds.

Regardless of its many benefits, exfoliation may also have negative effects, especially if you have sensitive skin or skin conditions. If this is the case, you should consult a specialist before using scrubs or peels.

Exfoliants and their applications

As you already know, you can use exfoliants on various parts of the body. However, before we discuss the effects of exfoliants, we should note that it is essential to choose good-quality products. The ever popular ingredients for natural cosmetics work well as exfoliants. For example, take coffee grounds or sugar that everyone has at home. In many cases, natural substances can produce very good results when combined with other natural ingredients, so there’s no need to use artificial ones.

  • A scalp scrub, often referred to as a trichological scrub, may include, among others, AHA acids that ensure deep cleansing. Exfoliation with AHAs is aimed at accelerating hair growth, preventing greasiness, and combatting dandruff, and is used to help refresh and strengthen the scalp.
  • Body care exfoliants, on the other hand, remove dead skin cells, soften the skin, improve microcirculation and prepare the skin for further care routines. Depending on the active ingredients contained in specific products, they can also have an effect on cellulite reduction, for example – read: cosmetic intermediates.
  • A facial scrub will improve the appearance of your skin, oxygenate it, cleanse your pores and help you get rid of excess sebum.

The range of active ingredients used for exfoliation depends primarily on the expected effect and the condition of your skin – read: manufacture of cosmetics. In some cases, it is better to choose a mild scrub or peel. Read about each product type below.

woman's hand rubbing the scrub

Types of exfoliation

Among the many exfoliants available, you can choose the ones that best suit your needs. Remember that intense exfoliation can damage your skin. Find out which type of exfoliation will work best for you.

Mechanical exfoliation – used by professionals

Mechanical scrubbing involves exfoliating the epidermis using particles that are abrasive. These can include the said coffee grounds, sugar particles, or kernels. You should definitely choose natural ingredients, as they are safe for both you and the natural environment. This group includes fine-grained and coarse scrubs, as well as professional treatments such as microdermabrasion and cavitation peeling.

Enzymatic exfoliation – for young and sensitive skin

Enzymatic exfoliation is based on the use of enzymes that dissolve dead skin. It is recommended for sensitive skin as it is a much gentler form of skin care than mechanical abrasion of the epidermis and, contrary to mechanical scrub, it can be used as part of your daily skin care.

Chemical exfoliation – for acne-prone skin and the scalp

Chemical exfoliants mainly involve AHA acids that penetrate into deep layers of the skin and promote collagen production. Their regular use therefore leads to complete renewal and regeneration, recommended for acne-prone skin because of the acne scars. Chemical exfoliation also aims to regulate sebum secretion. It will work best as a way to care for the your scalp, preventing hair loss.

Why use exfoliants?

Many of the exfoliants available are natural ingredients that will certainly benefit your skin. In addition to the said uses, such as skin cleansing and exfoliation, they provide your body with many valuable nutrients, thus becoming a cheap and effective form of skin care.

  1. Roguś-Skorupska, D.&Chodorowska, G. (2005). Peelings in dermatology. Nowa Medycyna, https://www.czytelniamedyczna.pl/1383,peelingi-w-dermatologii.html
  2. https://www.biochemiaurody.com/vademekum/eksfolianty.html
  3. https://www.vichy.pl/blog/czym-jest-eksfoliacja/vmag64856.aspx

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