Classification of products by features and functions, environmental aspects, green technologies, health, culture and people’s lifestyles.
Product features and functions
Acustic insulation
High efficiency
High hydrophobicity
High pure
ADR (fr. L'Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route) – is an international convention on the carriage of dangerous goods. It contains regulations within the scope of road transport regarding packaging, protection of goods and labelling dangerous substances. “ADR” pictogram was used to mark PCC Group’s chemical products, which require taking special care during the transport. Vehicles transporting dangerous substances must be equipped with special labels notifying of hazards. Only persons having appropriate eligibility can transport dangerous goods.
The "Acoustic insulation" pictogram is used for ready-made polyurethane foam systems, perfect for high-quality insulations in various interiors. These products are designed to achieve a high index of acoustic insulation. Polyurethane systems offered by the PCC Group meet the criteria of professional, industry standards and approvals guaranteeing the best parameters and performance properties of the insulation and allow them to be safely used as the highest quality building material.
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The effectiveness of a chemical product belongs to the aspects of interest for customers and is mostly considered when making purchasing decisions. The PCC Group has a wide range of chemicals classified into the group marked with the pictogram "Very high performance". This line contains many high-quality chemical products with the best performance parameters, guaranteeing the highest effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.
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Hydrophobicity is the tendency of molecules of a chemical compound to repel water molecules. Hydrophobic coatings may have a polymer or ceramic nature. Both types of these coatings penetrate into the structure of a surface. They permanently bond with it to form durable protection. The surface is thus protected against moisture and its consequences in the form of damp patches, mineral deposits, or mould. The “high hydrophobicity” mark is affixed on selected PCC Group’s products whose hydrophobicity is higher than that of standard polymers based on propylene oxide.
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The products of PCC Group, which are characterised by high purity in the context of chemical, biological and mechanical pollution content, are marked with “High Pure” pictogram.
PCC Group’s offer also includes products marked with “Waterproofing insulation” pictogram. It is a group of products ensuring effective waterproofing insulation. The use of products with waterproofing features allows for the limitation of the risk of endangering the building or other objects and elements of infrastructure by destructive damp or steam the presence of which can be related to, e. g. the presence of ground water. Waterproofing insulations also protect buildings and installations against direct water activity. They can be used outside the building, but also inside rooms, which due to their functions are prone to, for instance, presence of a high level of damp.
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One of the methods for reducing the flammability of plastics is to modify them by introducing special chemical additives called flame retardants. Their structure contains atoms of such elements as chlorine, bromine, phosphorus, nitrogen, boron or aluminium, which improve the material’s fire resistance. PCC Group offers a wide range of flame retardants, which can be used for such purposes as the flame retardation of polyurethane foams. They bear the pictogram “Increase in foam flame retardancy”.
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See our products marked "Increase in foam flame retardancy"
“Innovation” pictogram represents the group of new raw materials, additions and chemical formulations from PCC Group’s offer, which were created by dint of new technologies or have unique, innovative features and properties. The products are designed and implemented based on market trends, but also on individual needs of customers representing various industrial sectors.
Lightweight polyurethane insulations are modern and economical solutions dedicated to the construction industry. The PCC Group specializes in the production such materials. In the Product Portal they are marked with a special pictogram: "Lightweight polyurethane insulation". The catalogue contains both ready-made insulations and semi-finished products for their manufacturing. They are characterized by high quality and properties ensuring effective thermal insulation.
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During operation, the lubricant is exposed to dynamic conditions in the lubrication system (e.g. circulation, high load, pressure). After the product is put into service, its suitability for continued use depends on various factors, including the recommendations of the original equipment manufacturer. Compliance with the required condition monitoring programs and keeping your lubricants in good operating condition prolongs service life and significantly reduces their degradation. Products offered by the PCC Group marked with the "Long service life" pictogram are a guarantee of high-quality lubricating properties and the possibility of long and safe use in compliance with appropriate service recommendations.
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The "Low treat rate" pictogram, which identifies some of the products from the PCC Group's portfolio, indicates that event a low content of the product in the formulation ensures high effectiveness. Thanks to the use of small amounts of substances marked with this sign, excellent effectiveness is achieved in the client's formulation, which is beneficial for them, i. a., due to procedural and economic issues.
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Products marked with the "Nanotechnology" pictogram belong to the group of specialized chemicals and preparations containing nanoparticles. At least one dimension of these particles is less than 100 nm. Modern formulations containing nanoparticles are characterized by quick action and greater efficiency compared to substances of standard particle size. Professional production technologies using which some of the PCC Group products containing nanoparticles are created, allow for their safe and very effective use.
The PCC Group Product Portal contains hundreds of differentiating chemicals dedicated to a wide variety of applications. The "New" pictogram is used for those products that have been included in the product portfolio as new proposals. The continuous implementation of new technologies and changes in existing processes allows the PCC Group experts to introduce new products to the market for various industries. This applies not only to chemicals and finished products designed with state-of-art trends in industry in mind, but also to raw materials and chemical additives modified in terms of their composition and physical and chemical parameters.
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Products marked with “Pharmaceutical quality” pictogram are substances meeting high quality requirements specified by so-called Pharmacopoeia. The compliance with its criteria allows for the use of chemical products as raw materials used in manufacturing of medicines and supplements. Pharmacopoeia is considered to be an official collection of quality requirements for medicines and medical devices available in the market with regard to the particular region of the world (European Pharmacopoeia, United States Pharmacopoeia and British Pharmacopoeia). The collection of the criteria is constantly updated and adjusted to changes in Pharmacology, as well as to the law applicable in a given region.
Disinfection is one of basic elements of maintaining hygiene in public places, where we deal with big groups of people. The effective method of sanitizing big areas is spray disinfection. PCC Group’s offer includes specialist preparations adjusted to the equipment used for this type of application. They were marked with “Spray disinfection” pictogram. It is a number of products with effective sanitizing effect. They are dedicated to disinfecting different types of hard surfaces.
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The "Thermal insulation" pictogram is used on a wide range of ready-made polyurethane systems that will be perfect for the construction industry. These are high-quality products of very good insulating properties. Thermal insulation systems available in the PCC Group’s portfolio are regularly tested and examined to confirm their excellent performance parameters. Additionally, these products are subject to certification and assessments confirming the release for sale and safe use. The performance properties of the PCC Group’s insulation systems are assessed, i. a., by the Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (ITB). They also have hygienic certificates of the Państwowy Zakład Higieny and meet the requirements of many industry standards confirming high quality and safety for users and the environment.
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The products of PCC Group, which are characterised by very high purity in the context of chemical, biological and mechanical pollution content, are marked with “Ultra Pure” pictogram.
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Modern technologies and access to high-quality raw materials of various properties allow the PCC Group experts to develop and implement products dedicated to almost all industrial sectors. The PCC Group portfolio, in addition to products with a typical niche/professional profile, includes also a whole range of products marked with the pictogram "Universal product". It is a group of chemicals of many unique properties and functions that allow them to be used in various industrial applications. Moreover, one product can have several functions in final formulations, as it has excellent washing, wetting, emulsifying and dispersing properties. Surfactants having a very wide range of applications are an example of such chemicals.
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In the face of challenges relating to sustainable production and consumption, one of PCC Group’s priorities in the field of extending its portfolio is to develop a range of products that match the green chemistry trend. In times when the industry is increasingly aware and responsible for the environment and climate change, a particular focus on ‘green’ and ecological production becomes more important than ever before. Taking part in the green transformation of global chemical industry, PCC Group offers a new product segment: PCC Greenline®. These products address the demand of many companies operating in various industrial sectors, where PCC Group is one of the links in the supply chain.
The increasing environmental awareness of both producers and consumers causes them to choose truly organic products, bearing certificates confirming their natural composition. From the point of view of the recipients, there is a very clear tendency to avoid products containing substances in their composition that can have detrimental effects on human health and environmental health over a longer period of time. Following market trends, the PCC Group introduced a number of finished products and chemical raw materials, the composition of which was based on raw materials of natural origin. These are high-quality, effective and efficient products, in which the description bears the sign “based on natural ingredients”.
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An alternative to mass-produced detergents, are natural products. As a rule, they have a simple composition, based on well-known, mostly natural ingredients. Because they do not contain toxic substances, they are perfectly safe for human health. As biodegradable products, they also pose no threat to the environment.
Detergents from the PCC Group offer bearing the “Natural Detergent” mark were produced on the basis of raw materials of natural origin. They show very good effectiveness, at the same time they gently act on the skin. In their composition they contain effective washing substances, easily biodegradable.
The sign “100% Biodegradable Product”, describes products from the PCC Group offer that are completely biologically decomposed under aerobic conditions during 28 days (applies to biodegradation of surfactants measured by specific methods). Biodegradability is the ability of materials to decay by biological activity and in particular by the actions of microorganisms and abiotic components such as oxygen, UV or temperature. The process involves the decay of more complicated structures into less complex substances that eventually become an element of soil, aquatic environment or Earth's atmosphere. Biodegradation is a very common process. It runs in all biocoenoses. It closes the biogeochemical cycles of most of chemical elements by bringing compounds to forms digestible by plants. As long as the biodegradation of naturally occurring compounds proceeds very quickly, the decomposition of man-made artificial substances can last up to several thousand years.
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The sign “Biodegradable Product”, describes products from the PCC Group offer that undergo > 60% biological decay under aerobic conditions during 28 days (applies to biodegradation of surfactants measured by specific methods). Biodegradability is the ability of materials to decay as a result of biological activity and, in particular, actions and abiotic agents such as oxygen, UV or temperature. The process involves the decay of more complicated structures into less complex substances that eventually become an element of soil, aquatic environment or Earth's atmosphere. Biodegradation is a very common process. It runs in all biocenoses. It closes the biogeochemical cycles of most of chemical elements by bringing compounds to forms digestible by plants. As long as the biodegradation of naturally occurring compounds proceeds very quickly, the decomposition of man-made artificial substances can last up to several thousand years.
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The products bearing this sign are a group of raw materials and chemical additives that will be great in environmental construction projects. Ecological construction (otherwise: sustainable) is an activity related to the design and erection of construction structures using solutions appropriate for sustainable development. In the case of the PCC group, this activity is manifested in the design and production of raw materials and chemical additives as least invasive to the environment as possible and so that building materials and construction solutions are environmentally friendly and allow significant limiting energy consumption throughout the life cycle of structures.
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Passive construction is one of the most advanced forms of energy efficient construction. Passive building needs seven times less energy for heating than a building built according to the current standards. It is distinguished by very good insulation parameters, as well as the use of solutions that minimize energy consumption during operation. The products of the PCC Group bearing the sign “Passive Construction” were created with the idea of energy-efficient, modern construction projects and adapting quality and technical parameters to the highest European and global standards of energy-efficient construction.
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Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), belong to the group of organic compounds. In the presence of sunlight, they easily pass into the form of gas or steam, releasing harmful substances into the environment. They characterize by high vapour pressure and low water solubility . Volatile organic compounds occur as by-products in many industrial processes and provide a source of environmental pollution. Secondary contamination by substances arising from chemical reactions occurring in the VOC environment is of particular importance.
Products from the PCC Group offer bearing the LOW VOC mark are characterized by low emission of harmful volatile organic compounds. In the production processes carried out. The PCC Group does its best to ensure that the products offered are as safe as possible for people and the environment while maintaining the highest quality standards.
GHS (Global Harmonised System), or Globally Unified Classification and Labelling System, is an international, unified approach to the classification and labelling of chemicals. This system contains unified criteria for the classification of substances and mixtures in terms of the risks they pose to human health and the environment, and requirements for information about the threat in the form of warning labels and safety data sheets. Chemicals produced in the PCC Group, marked by this mark, are not classified in the Chemical Classification and Labelling System (GHS) under the CLP Regulation (Classification, Labelling and Packaging). This means that these products do not pose a threat to humans and the environment.
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During combustion, toxic gases are released from materials containing halogens, such as chlorine or bromine, which pose a very high risk to humans and cause corrosion of metals. Products available in the PCC Group range and marked with the "Halogen Free" sign do not contain halogens. Halogen-free products and materials are safer and therefore products containing this type of components are successfully used on escape routes and in public places (e.g. stations, cinemas, theatres, shopping malls, schools and universities, stadiums etc.). They perfectly fit for the automotive and construction industries, where it is extremely important to use solutions that not only retard the ignition, but also enable safe escape from the place of fire.
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Formaldehyde is a harmful substance that occurs in a gaseous form with a very characteristic, sharp odour. It is used to disinfect certain packaging, pipes, or dishes in the food industry. Formaldehyde is an ingredient of the adhesives used in construction. It is also used in the furniture and paper industry. This gas is used as a preservative for substances and compounds that are intended to provide food for longer durability. It is also used for the production of so-called household chemicals or certain cosmetics (nail polish, hardeners for nail polish).
With the code “Formaldehyde free”, we mean raw materials and chemical additives in the composition of which there are no formaldehydes or preservatives releasing formaldehydes. These products are therefore safe and finished products made on their basis do not pose a risk to users.
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Triphenyl phosphate is one of many chemical compounds that are part of multicomponent substances based on phosphorus esters. Due to the adverse effects of this chemical compound on the environment, low triphenyl phosphate solutions are required in some applications. Following the requirements of the market and in the interests of human health and environmental health, the PCC Group has developed a technology to obtain phosphorus esters with low levels of triphenyl phosphate. This group of chemicals includes products bearing the sign “Low TPP”.
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Products provided with the “Solvent free production” mark are manufactured without the use of solvents. As the name suggests they do not contain even the slightest amounts of solvents. The lack of such contaminants in chemical products ensures high levels of safety of final materials.
The solvent-free technology enhances the safety of chemical processes, significantly reduces the amount of generated waste, and increases the performance of the processes by more efficient use of the work area of reactors and lower energy consumption. Therefore you can be sure that the solvent-free technologies are eco-friendly solutions.
Our products
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Parabens belong to preservative substance group. They are usually used in cosmetics and food to extend the shelf life of such products. They do not directly react with other ingredients in the formula, but they can extend the shelf life by over ten months. Unfortunately, they also have a negative impact on the human body, which is why manufacturers often opt for paraben-free products.
In following important eco-friendly trends, PCC Group launches products marked as PARABEN FREE. Their formulas are created to be used in manufacturing processes based on natural raw materials. In this way we meet the needs of our customers, who care about the environmental aspects of the whole product development process.
Plant extracts are popular ingredients of many products, especially cosmetics. They have unique properties, which is why they are so commonly used. The pressure to obtain even better results has led to genetically modify living organisms, including plants. Thanks to incorporating specific fragments of genetic material in plant cells, their properties are intensified and they may also have a longer shelf-life. Despite the fact that GMO products are constantly monitored by research facilities, the long-term effects of their use are not yet fully known and cannot be referred to as safe. Genetic modifications are also criticised by ecologists because they lead to imbalances in nature.
For PCC Group, it is very important to act in an environmentally friendly manner. We keep improving our formulas and using new technologies, while at the same time we opt for eco-friendly methods. This is why we can offer products marked as GMO FREE. Because of this, the customers of PCC Group can be sure that the products they buy do not contain genetically modified ingredients.
BIO RAW MATERIALS are a unique group of raw materials based on carefully chosen, natural and plant-based ingredients. Bio raw materials are used to manufacture semi-finished and finished products which stand out due to their unique and natural compositions. They are used mainly to manufacture biocosmetics and eco-friendly cleaning products. They are not invasive to the environment. They have a very gentle effect on the skin, so they are used to manufacture cosmetics for people with sensitive skin, prone to irritation. They work perfectly as ingredients of cosmetics used for children and adults.
Our products
See our offer from the bio raw materials series
The marking “PRODUCT OF NATURAL ORIGIN” is used for those which come from natural sources. This unique group of 100% eco-friendly substances is manufactured on the basis of natural raw materials. They do not contain ingredients of petrochemical origin. They are safe for people and for the environment. They are distinguished by a high natural origin index. These products are usually used in the cosmetics industry and to manufacture eco-friendly detergents.
Can the Internet harm the environment? With around 4 billion active Internet users worldwide, there is certainly a huge amount of data that needs to be stored, processed and transferred. As a result, demand for the necessary infrastructure, hardware and computing power is increasing. Countless kilometres of cables, servers and data transmission devices effectively pollute the environment and contribute to climate change through huge energy consumption. According to the International Energy Agency, the increase in CO₂ emissions generated by the global network is inevitable, and by 2040 it is expected to constitute about 14% of global emissions (10% more than today). However, with the popularisation of cloud services and fibre optic technologies, carbon dioxide emissions can be significantly reduced. The transmission range offered by fibre optic cables is incomparably greater than that of traditional techniques, allowing for the elimination of many devices. This results in energy saving and also reduces the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Fibre optic cables are currently the best method for stable access to fast Internet.
Manufacturing optical fibres requires high quality products, including chemical compounds. The PCC Group has a dedicated offer called “Fibre optic technologies”. You can find the products here that are necessary for the production of parts of fibre optic cables that meet our customers’ requirements.
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