Reduce, reuse, recycle – or how to care for the environment on a daily basis

As inhabitants of the Earth, we are obliged to take care of our planet in order to be able to inhabit it for as long as possible. Our everyday behaviour, which also includes consumer awareness, is crucial for the protection of the environment. So how should we act for the benefit of the natural environment in which we function?

Published: 26-03-2021

Everyday duties

The advancing climate crisis is one of the greatest problems the humanity is facing today. In order to stop it, not only great projects and new technologies are needed, but also care and concern for the environment in our micro activities. It is a task that we can cope with by changing our daily habits. It is, of course, about the growing amount of rubbish and waste we generate. The 3R principle comes to our aid – reduce, reuse, recycle. What exactly is it and how can we apply it in practice? We will tell you about this later in the article.


The order of the individual words of the 3R principle is not accidental. Reduce – means reducing the consumption of unnecessary things. A big problem, especially in rich countries, is impulse buying and collecting unnecessary things. In this way, not only food is wasted, but also very large amounts of waste, such as plastic, are generated. The reduction of waste is also associated with the conscious choice of the products that we buy. Instead of choosing products that are processed and packed in large amounts of plastic, we can choose those that are created with care for the natural environment, and their packaging is recyclable. An example of a conscious consumer behaviour may be planning meals for a longer period of time and preparing a shopping list before going to the store. This limits buying unnecessary things, thus saving money and reducing waste. In addition, it will also be a good habit to take your own reusable shopping bags with you.


Another part of the 3R principle is Reuse. Not every used thing can be thrown away. Finding a new use for it will significantly reduce waste. An ice cream box can be useful for sorting things in cabinets, a glass mayonnaise jar will be good for storing homemade preserves, and a plastic bottle can be used to make a funnel for refilling coolant in the car. In addition, we also consider as “reusing”, for example, the sale of clothes which we will no longer wear or furniture that we get rid of during a renovation. We can also donate such things to those in need. In this way, we give them a second life, and at the same time provide help where it is needed.


The last element of the 3R principle is Recycle. Recycling helps recover valuable materials from items that would normally be considered rubbish. It also reduces the amount of waste deposited in landfills. In addition, it affects the consumption of natural resources. The recycling process allows us to recover raw materials that can be reused in production processes, which reduces the use of new resources. Waste segregation, among other things, helps the recycling process a lot. For example, it allows used paper to be reused in the form of waste paper. Without segregation, this would often not be possible due to dirt disqualifying the material from further use. Compost bins are also a good idea, especially for people living in detached houses. Thanks to them, we can use organic waste to produce natural fertiliser, thus saving money. We also do not generate waste in the form of fertiliser packaging that we buy in the store.

World Recycling Day

On 18th March, World Recycling Day took place, an initiative of the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR). This day was established to show the essence of recycling, as well as to unite the global approach in this matter. The theme of the celebration of World Recycling Day in 2021 is the recognition of recycling as an important branch of industry. This initiative reminds us of the importance of proper organisation of the circulation of materials that can be processed and repeatedly reused. However, to see real changes, we must keep it in mind every day.

Conscious attitude for the future

The 3R principle is very simple to implement in everyday life, although it requires some time and commitment at the beginning. However, it is worth spending the time, because by doing this, we can protect the environment and save money. Conscious product selection also helps to show producers that it is worth working on an ecological offer.

Being aware of the importance of environmental protection, the PCC Group has prepared a whole range of GreenlineTM products, designed with the aspects of sustainable development in mind.



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