Sustainable principles in the chemical industry

Every day, people wake up with new ideas. Their implementation is what drives continuous development. However, it is worth wondering whether it is rushing in the right direction. Innovative ideas have not always gone hand in hand with a positive impact on the environment. As a result, the world has begun to change in a significant way. It was therefore necessary to find new technologies that will solve this problem and help to protect our planet. This led to the creation of ‘Green Chemistry’. Now let us find out what it is and how much it has affected the chemical industry.

Published: 9-11-2020

Chemistry accompanies us in every area of life, because all known materials consist of atoms and molecules. Many chemical processes or individual substances have a harmful effect on the environment. This is why research is constantly being conducted on new proposals and modifications to outdated solutions.

The Green Revolution

An American scientist, Paul Anastas, introduced the term ‘Green Chemistry’ to science and industry in 1991. Its concept was based on twelve unique principles. These include designing and conducting chemical processes in such a way as to limit the use and production of harmful substances.

The following illustration shows the wording of the 12 principles of Green Chemistry.

Fig. 1 ‘12 principles of Green Chemistry’ published in the article by P. Anastas and J. Warner.

The principles developed by Paul Anastas form the basis of Green Chemistry. They revolutionised the approach to production in the chemical and other industries. They talk about preventing waste, creating safer substances for us and the environment, using renewable raw materials, and many other important aspects. However, these principles are only the basis for developing our own strategy and implementing ecological solutions.

Sustainable chemistry is becoming a priority for all of us. Societies are now more aware of the impact of their activities on the environment, and thus on the life of our planet. This is why ecological activities are becoming an inseparable part of our lives. The industry sector must also start to integrate sustainable objectives into its strategies. This will allow it to retain customers and acquire new ones that follow the modern trends of the green revolution.

Building a sustainable brand

In order to follow the spirit of the times, companies introduce global standards of sustainable production into their operations. It should be noted that the chemical industry was one of the first industries to embark on a green revolution and adopt strategies based on ecological aspects.

Clean and safe technologies, renewable sources of energy, certified products, and modern environmental programmes are just some of the measures being implemented by manufacturers. However, it is certain that they have become an essential element of the policy of companies in the chemical industry.

A very good example of activities involving exploration of the natural environment is presented by the PCC Group. Its philosophy is based on such aspects as designing products bearing in mind their ability towards biodegradation and emission, reducing waste production, or using raw materials obtained from renewable energy sources.

The result is the creation of the GREENLINE™ ecological product line, whose products are made according to the principles of green chemistry. In addition to the GREENLINE™ brand, the PCC Group offers an extensive range of products classified as sustainable chemistry. These include natural detergents, vegan products, formulations for ecological building, biodegradable products, and much more.

We encourage you to learn about the philosophy of green chemistry in the PCC Group, and to take a look at the product offer in the Greenline tab.

  1. B. Burczyk Zielona chemia: zadania, cele, przykłady osiągnięć, „Wiadomości Chemiczne”, 2002 nr 9–10
  2. P.T. Anastas, J.C. Warner Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford–New York 1998
  3. T. Paryjczak, A. Lewicki Zielona chemia. Wybrane zagadnienia , „Przemysł Chemiczny”, 2003 nr 8–9

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